I'm sure we have forgotten something!!!!! I'm also sure that there could be a hundred different ways we could have gone about this trip. I also know that the uncertainty of this ride is unlike anything we have ever done. Then add in the fact that we have 5 new riders this year with a total group of 21 will make for a lot of challenges. With all that being said, as a group their is nothing we can not over come. As we ride out think of the obstacles that were thrown in the path of Andrew. Think of the smile on Martin’s face when he was sitting in that hot tub after going over the pass and Mike C.’s wreck. The stop in Joplin and watching Ronnie dance with his little girl friend and the look on her face the following year we came back.  A wrong turn that brought us To Bonesteel SD. My hope is that we have all new experiences that the new guys get to witness and understand why this happens. We need to just let it unfold and it will take us down the right road as it always does. I can not think of anyone else I would want to take on this journey with other then my miracle rider brothers.
