Day one.  Columbus to Biloxi.  The first day is the hardest for me.   Saying good bye to family and friends at home for an adventure of the unknown, but then the stop at Carver Middle School in Hamilton made it special.   Once Harris County Sheriff let us go at the county line, that’s was it.  We were on our own.   The ride is a lot of jockeying for position until everyone gets settled into their groove.  We got a little of everything today for riding.  Temperature was comfortable through West Point, then onto the interstate it got warm fast.  Then it got hot.   Then a brief shower.   So we got rained on first day.   But that’s okay because we were all dry by the final stop and no mention of the rain by anyone. Brian did a good job leading us here today and tomorrow we have Brice taking the lead so let’s see where he will take us.  Andrew was really glad to get off the bike tonight.  He even went to the hotel restaurant in his socks, no shoes.  All for today.  More tomorrow.
