Happy Birthday Mama... I miss you and I Love you....

Today she would be 87. There is not an hour that goes by that I don't think about her.

So today I ride in honor of Mama. I can't help but think you are looking down from heaven and smiling in approval of what we are out here doing, riding to make a difference in one Childs life.

Saturday we said good bye to Canada and entered the great state of Montana. It was a picture perfect day to ride 580 miles to Bozeman, the weather was calm, dry and warm.

So, we all gathered for breakfast, then some of the group went to ride Beartooth Mountain Pass while the rest went toYellowstone Harley to wait for Ronnie's bike to be serviced. While we were there I decided to look around and see what kind of trinkets I could buy as gifts for my Family. 

A nice young lady was eager to assist, and she did a very good job. During the check out, she asked where we had been riding , I seized the oppertunity and gave her a card and told her our story. 

Had no more gotten the words displaced children out of my mouth than I saw she was crying.

I felt really bad, had I said something wrong?

She said no its fine, I'm ok, its a wounderful thing you guys are doing.

Pressing on, I asked her again what I had done to upset her so..

She told me through tear filled eyes and sobs, "I don't have my kids".

I felt awful that I had struck such a nerve. The only thing I could think of to do is tell her, come here and I gave her a big hug and whispered to her, God Loves you so much and he Loves your kids, its never too late!

She was smiling when I left..and I will never know if what I said will make a difference in her or her kids lives...but I'd like to think it will. Just as when you share Jesus with some one, all we are required to do is plant the seed God will do the rest. 

Mike Hamby