More rain today. It was raining as we left this morning and crossed the Mackinac Bridge. We rode in rain and fog through the entire states of Michigan and Wisconsin. We did not see the sun until Duluth, Minnesota and that was 5:30pm central time. The temperature never got to 60 degrees until the sun came out in Duluth.

The route today took us west on Hwy 2 just on the other side of the Mackinac Bridge. The road hugs the north side of Lake Michigan for quite a ways. It is a pretty ride but would have been so much better without the rain. Somewhere in that stretch of road you could smell the spruce/pine trees. Someone hollered on the CB, "It smells like Christmas!" Farther down the road was the smell of smoked fish and beef jerky. You would not have gotten those smells from riding in a ca

I'm having trouble finding words to describe the rest of the ride today. It is all about the rain. On a motorcycle in the rain, you are hunkered down, water is spraying up under your face shield onto your glasses, looking through a windshield with no windshield wiper and paying attention to rain on the road. It was a wet day but any day on a motorcycle is good day.



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