I may have had a worse day on a motorcycle, but I don't remember one.
We had rain, we had cold, and we had rain and cold together. Seems like it was 550 miles of road work. And if it wasn't sand or dirt, it was loose gravel. Not just a few places, it was all day, and it was just gravel thrown on the road.
Then the rain mixes all the sand, dirt, and gravel. Ask Kevin how that works out!
We did get stopped by a herd of buffalo. A very large herd that did not care that they were not crossing at a cross walk. And we also had two mountain goats with very large horns standing in our lane of the road who refused to move. And maybe 8-10 black bears watching us go by.
We also had to stop when the pilot truck driver at one of the construction areas stopped the truck and ran for a ditch in the tree line. She came back after a few smiling and waving at everyone.
So, you have to keep an eye on the road or fall down, and you have to keep the other eye on the right shoulder for bears and the other eye on left shoulder for buffalo. And you do this for 550 miles.
I am going for an adult beverage.